Latitude: 54.015506 ° N, Longitude: -109.200606° W
North - W of Loon Lake, 60 km W of Meadow Lake or 170 km N of North Battleford.
North - W of Loon Lake, 60 km W of Meadow Lake or 170 km N of North Battleford.
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Listen for the call of the loon at Makwa Lake Provincial Park. Traverse the scenic trails for a forest bath, indulging in vibrant colours, serene sights, and nature's soothing sounds. This expansive park connects five lakes amid a mixed forest of poplar and jack pine. Featuring six hiking trails, multiple sandy beaches, three campgrounds, and service centres, it's a haven for families and nature enthusiasts. Accessibility is prioritized, offering a beach access wheelchair for those with mobility needs.
While there, explore nearby Steele Narrows Provincial Park, the historic site of the final battle of the North-West Resistance. During winter, visitors can revel in a winter wonderland, enjoying 15 kilometers of groomed cross-country ski trails.
Listen for the call of the loon at Makwa Lake Provincial Park. Traverse the scenic trails for a forest bath, indulging in vibrant colours, serene sights, and nature's soothing sounds. This expansive park connects five lakes amid a mixed forest of poplar and jack pine. Featuring six hiking trails, multiple sandy beaches, three campgrounds, and service centres, it's a haven for families and nature enthusiasts. Accessibility is prioritized, offering a beach access wheelchair for those with mobility needs.
While there, explore nearby Steele Narrows Provincial Park, the historic site of the final battle of the North-West Resistance. During winter, visitors can revel in a winter wonderland, enjoying 15 kilometers of groomed cross-country ski trails.
Location Info
W of Loon Lake, 60 km W of Meadow Lake or 170 km N of North 54.015506 ° N, long. -109.200606° W
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