Latitude: 52.483897° N, Longitude: -101.727254° W
Central - East Block: 95 km SE of Hudson Bay on Hwy 980. Campgrounds at Isbister, Smallfish, Spirit and Townsend Lakes. West Block: 64 km SE of Hudson Bay via Hwys 9 and 982. Campgrounds at McBride and Parr Hill Lakes.
Central - East Block: 95 km SE of Hudson Bay on Hwy 980. Campgrounds at Isbister, Smallfish, Spirit and Townsend Lakes. West Block: 64 km SE of Hudson Bay via Hwys 9 and 982. Campgrounds at McBride and Parr Hill Lakes.
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Northern lights, Porcupine Hills Provincial Park; Photo: Jeanine Holowatuik
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills is Saskatchewan’s newest provincial park, officially designated in 2018. Located southeast of the Town of Hudson Bay, Porcupine Hills Provincial Park boasts great camping, hunting and fishing. Snowmobiling and other winter activities are popular throughout the winter months. Porcupine Hills is a place like none other to relax, enjoy the scenery, or simply walk or hike.
The park is made up of five existing provincial recreation sites including McBride Lake, Saginas Lake, Pepaw Lake, Parr Hill Lake and Woody River. The park’s focus is on protecting the region’s natural landscapes and ensuring the cultural values of the land are conserved.
In this newly designated park, hunting and fishing will continue to be managed as they have been in previous years, campgrounds will stay small and simple, and First Nations and Métis people will continue to celebrate their cultures and carry out traditional use activities.

Northern lights, Porcupine Hills Provincial Park; Photo: Jeanine Holowatuik
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Porcupine Hills is Saskatchewan’s newest provincial park, officially designated in 2018. Located southeast of the Town of Hudson Bay, Porcupine Hills Provincial Park boasts great camping, hunting and fishing. Snowmobiling and other winter activities are popular throughout the winter months. Porcupine Hills is a place like none other to relax, enjoy the scenery, or simply walk or hike.
The park is made up of five existing provincial recreation sites including McBride Lake, Saginas Lake, Pepaw Lake, Parr Hill Lake and Woody River. The park’s focus is on protecting the region’s natural landscapes and ensuring the cultural values of the land are conserved.
In this newly designated park, hunting and fishing will continue to be managed as they have been in previous years, campgrounds will stay small and simple, and First Nations and Métis people will continue to celebrate their cultures and carry out traditional use activities.
Location Info
East Block: 95 km SE of Hudson Bay on Hwy 980. Campgrounds at Isbister, Smallfish, Spirit and Townsend Lakes. West Block: 64 km SE of Hudson Bay via Hwys 9 and 982. Campgrounds at McBride and Parr Hill 52.483897° N, long. -101.727254° W
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