Central - 48 km NW of Yorkton. 24 km NE of Springside.
Location Info
48 km NW of Yorkton. 24 km NE of Springside.lat. 51.5037° N, long. -102.6672° W

Cottage / Cabin / Resort
Room rates (daily) starting at: $400

Phone(s): 306-837-9103
Email: firesongcanada@gmail.com
100 Rose Meadow Dr, N shore of Fowler Lake, 1 km S of Grid 699 near Makwa Lake Provincial Park.

Hotel / Motel, Restaurant and Dining

Phone(s): 306-837-2212
Email: lakehouse.loonlake@gmail.com
On the corner of 1st St and 2nd Ave at Jumbo Beach, 2 km W of Loon Lake.

Museum, Archives / Library, Tourist Information Centre

Phone(s): 306-234-2455
Email: cecmid@sasktel.net
Conveniently located on corner of Hwy 4 and 9th Ave W, Meadow Lake.

Provincial Campground

Phone(s): 306-837-2410 | 1-833-775-7275 (Reservations) | 1-800-205-7070
Email: makwalake.provpark@gov.sk.ca
Makwa Lake Provincial Park, 4.8 km SW of Loon Lake off Hwy 26.

Public Trails, Winter Activities

Phone(s): 306-837-2410
Email: makwalake.provpark@gov.sk.ca
Makwa Lake Provincial Park.

Provincial Campground

Phone(s): 306-837-2410 | 1-833-775-7275 (Reservations) | 1-800-205-7070
Email: makwalake.provpark@gov.sk.ca
Within Makwa Lake Provincial Park, 4.8 km SW of Loon Lake.

Provincial Campground

Phone(s): 306-837-2410 | 1-833-775-7275 (Reservations) | 1-800-205-7070
Email: makwalake.provpark@gov.sk.ca
Makwa Lake Provincial Park, 2.4 km W of Loon Lake.

Restaurant and Dining, Mini Golf

While visiting Makwa Lake Provincial Park, stop by Beach Coners Ice Cream and Mini Golf, and enjoy a round of mini golf or a tasty treat.

Email: beachconers@gmail.com
Stabler Point Campground, Makwa Lake Provincial Park.

Restaurant and Dining, Golf
Green fees starting at: $23

Phone(s): 306-837-4653 (Pro Shop) | 306-837-4900 (Restaurant)
Email: loonlakegolfclub@hotmail.com
Makwa Lake Provincial Park.

Winter Activities, Unique Adventures, Indigenous

Experience the thrill of a dog team - a great Saskatchewan tradition. Based near Loon Lake and Makwa Lake Provincial Park, Conner Family Racing & Tours Inc. is a sled dog tour operator that offers daily tours for individuals and groups. It is a multi-generational kennel dedicated to preserving the sled dog as a cultural tradition of the Woodland Cree.

Phone(s): 306-240-4654 | 306-837-2144
Email: connercharlie@hotmail.com
10 km E of Loon Lake along Hwy 304.