Latitude: 53.53613° N, Longitude: -109.47° W
Central - Off Hwy 3 in the village of Paradise Hill. Located at the W end of 1st St.
Central - Off Hwy 3 in the village of Paradise Hill. Located at the W end of 1st St.
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The Paradise Hill Campground is a quiet, well-treed campground with modern washroom and shower. Campsites with electric hook-ups. Picnic shelter. Pets must be leashed.
Open May 15 to Sep 30.
The Paradise Hill Campground is a quiet, well-treed campground with modern washroom and shower. Campsites with electric hook-ups. Picnic shelter. Pets must be leashed.
Location Info
Off Hwy 3 in the village of Paradise Hill. Located at the W end of 1st 53.53613° N, long. -109.47° W