Latitude: 53.59836° N, Longitude: -105.9221° W
North - 50 km N of Prince Albert off Hwy 2.
North - 50 km N of Prince Albert off Hwy 2.
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Designated in 2013, Great Blue Heron Provincial Park offers a quiet escape to those wishing to embrace the great outdoors. Adjacent to Prince Albert National Park, Great Blue Heron offers a variety of camping opportunities including electric, non-electric and group campsites. This scenic park is popular with hikers, anglers and canoeists. Other amenities include beach and picnic areas, disc golf course, lodging at Land of the Loon Resort or in a new Mongolian-style yurt, a boat launch, filleting station, ATV trails and groomed hiking/cross-country ski trails connecting to Prince Albert National Park.
Designated in 2013, Great Blue Heron Provincial Park offers a quiet escape to those wishing to embrace the great outdoors. Adjacent to Prince Albert National Park, Great Blue Heron offers a variety of camping opportunities including electric, non-electric and group campsites. This scenic park is popular with hikers, anglers and canoeists. Other amenities include beach and picnic areas, disc golf course, lodging at Land of the Loon Resort or in a new Mongolian-style yurt, a boat launch, filleting station, ATV trails and groomed hiking/cross-country ski trails connecting to Prince Albert National Park.
Location Info
50 km N of Prince Albert off Hwy 53.59836° N, long. -105.9221° W