Latitude: 51.58154° N, Longitude: -102.0835° W
Central - S side of railway tracks, off Hwy 5, Veregin.
Central - S side of railway tracks, off Hwy 5, Veregin.
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National Doukhobor Heritage Village

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National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village
The National Doukhobor Heritage Village is both a National and Provincial Historic site. Located at Veregin, this museum complex depicts the lifestyles of the Doukhobor immigrants who settled the area. The village features a museum, administrative building, bakery with brick oven, bath house, Prayer Home, barns and blacksmith shop. Also on site is a gift shop and picnic area.
Open May 15 to Sep 15.

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

Primary image

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village

National Doukhobor Heritage Village
The National Doukhobor Heritage Village is both a National and Provincial Historic site. Located at Veregin, this museum complex depicts the lifestyles of the Doukhobor immigrants who settled the area. The village features a museum, administrative building, bakery with brick oven, bath house, Prayer Home, barns and blacksmith shop. Also on site is a gift shop and picnic area.
Location Info
S side of railway tracks, off Hwy 5, 51.58154° N, long. -102.0835° W
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