South - Grasslands National Park
National Park, Public Trails, Bird / Wildlife Viewing Sites
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Grasslands National Park East Block.
Latitude: 49.070800° N,
Longitude: -106.530828° W
Longitude: -106.530828° W
Located in Grasslands National Park East Block, Valley of 1000 Devils Trail is a challenging 11 km loop meandering through coulees and upland mixed grass prairie before traversing the basin of Hellfire Creek. It then leads to the gateway of the rugged Rock Creek Badlands where visitors can explore the clay buttes, steep-sided drainages, and a picture-taking destination.
In this badlands environment, trail users may experience the day’s temperatures differently than other areas due to the absence of cooling winds and heat-absorbing, clay soils. Plan to hike in the early morning or early evening, and be prepared for extreme heat. Strong navigating skills are required.
South - Grasslands National Park