North - Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Provincial Campground
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Meadow Lake Provincial Park, E side of Cold Lake, N of Pierceland. Access via Hwys 21, 55 and 919.
Latitude: 54.56511° N,
Longitude: -109.8426° W
Longitude: -109.8426° W

Cold River Campground

Cold River Campground

Cold River Campground

Cold River Campground

Cold River Campground

Cold River Campground
Located in Meadow Lake Provincial Park, the Cold River Campground is a primitive campground on the eastern shores of Cold Lake in Saskatchewan. This "Leave No Trace" campground is the western trail head of the 135 km long Boreal Trail which traverses Meadow Lake Provincial Park.
Open May long weekend to Labour Day.
North - Meadow Lake Provincial Park