Central - Watson
Restaurant and Dining, Culinary Tour
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401 Railway Avenue, Watson.
Latitude: 52.128499° N,
Longitude: -104.528943° W
Longitude: -104.528943° W

Cat's Creamery

Cat's Creamery

Cat's Creamery - Cherry Cheesecake

Cat's Creamery - Chocolate Chip Cookie Square

Cat's Creamery - Chocolate Fudge Brownie Square

Cat's Creamery - Cookies and Cream Square

Cat's Creamery - Salted Caramel Square

Cat's Creamery - Raspberry and Cream Square

Cat's Creamery - Cotton Candy

Cat's Creamery
Cat's Creamery, located in Watson, features over 24 flavours of ice cream. Mixed with baked in-house treats, the rich concoctions come in a mason jar. Enjoy them on Cat's Creamery's delicious home-made waffle cones. The treats are also available in many stores across the province. Visit the website and Facebook for more details. Pre-arranged tours of the facility and Ice Cream Masterclasses are available: click on Travel Offers tab for more details.
Central - Watson