Central - Eston
Regional Park Campground, Municipal / Regional Park, Golf
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21 km S of Eston on Hwy 30.
Latitude: 50.96388° N,
Longitude: -108.7664° W
Longitude: -108.7664° W

Eston Riverside Regional Park

Eston Riverside Regional Park Golf Club

Irrigated nine hole grass greens golf course available for patrons with licensed clubhouse, putting green and driving range.

Eston Riverside Regional Park

Eston Riverside Regional Park. Treed sites near the river.

Eston Riverside Regional Park

Eston Riverside Regional Park

Eston Riverside Regional Park
Situated along the banks of the South Saskatchewan River in a beautiful river valley, Eston Riverside Regional Park features treed sites near the river, plantation near park entrance, recreation building, concessions and outdoor swimming pool. Irrigated 9-hole grass greens golf course has desert-style links with lush fairways and rolling hills. Course also includes a putting green, driving range and licensed clubhouse,
Open May 1 to Sep 30.
Central - Eston