Central - Canora
Museum, Tourist Information Centre
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- TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
- Most Recent Traveler Reviews
- Sep-4,2019: "Train station tour"
- Mar-30,2016: "Great museum "
Canora, Railway Ave and Main St on Hwy 5. Two blocks W of Junction Hwys 5 and 9. 48 km N of Yorkton.
Latitude: 51.63733° N,
Longitude: -102.4354° W
Longitude: -102.4354° W

CN Station House Museum - Exterior of building

CN Station House Museum - Exterior

Cn Station House Museum - Caboose
The CN Station House Museum is located in the CaNoRa Station (named for the Canadian Northern Railway). Built in 1904, the building is the oldest class 3 station still operational in Saskatchewan. The museum features displays of CN Rail memorabilia, early settler artifacts, local art and souvenirs, as well as tourist information.
Open Jul 2 to Aug 30.
Central - Canora