Brewery / Winery / Distillery, Group Rental Facility, Brewery / Distillery Tour
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814 - 47th St E, Saskatoon.
Latitude: 52.16695° N,
Longitude: -106.6521° W
Longitude: -106.6521° W
Ever feel unjustifiably lucky? The creators of Lucky Bastard Distillers feel like Lucky Bastards all the time! Opened in 2012 and inspired from a lottery win, Lucky Bastard Distillers is proud to be the first distillery to operate in Saskatoon since prohibition. Handcrafting high-quality spirits with locally sourced ingredients is their passion and they won’t bottle until their products are over proof awesome. Since expanding to the 14,000-sq. ft. location in 2015, the distillery is proud to continue their open-door policy. Look for their products on shelves and bar rails across Saskatchewan and mix your next drink with Lucky Bastard.
Saskatoon - Saskatoon