North - Vermilion Lake
Fishing Outfitters
Add to Suitcase
125 km NE of Buffalo Narrows via float plane.
Latitude: 56.77189° N,
Longitude: -107.4212° W
Longitude: -107.4212° W

Vermilion Lake Outfitters

Vermilion Lake Outfitters

Vermilion Lake Outfitters

Vermilion Lake Outfitters

Vermilion Lake Outfitters

Vermilion Lake Outfitters

Vermilion Lake Outfitters

Vermilion Lake Outfitters
Vermilion Lake Outfitters is a family-owned, fly-in fishing destination situated north of Buffalo Narrows and accessible only by float plane. It is the only camp on a five-lake system. The trip cost includes return airfare from Buffalo Narrows, lodging, meals, boat, motor, fuel and access to all five lakes which offer abundant walleye, lake trout and northern pike fishing.
Jun 1 to Sep 15.
North - Vermilion Lake