North - Prince Albert National Park
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Waskesiu Dr, Waskesiu Lake.
Latitude: 53.92729° N,
Longitude: -106.075° W
Longitude: -106.075° W
The Waskesiu Heritage Museum displays the human history of Waskesiu Lake and Prince Albert National Park since its 1928 creation. The museum features an original canvas-roofed shack tent and a replica camp kitchen from the early days in Waskesiu. Other outdoor exhibits include a fire tower cupola, a portable cabin and shed fondly known as a dog house, a railcart portaging a canoe, and wash day equipment. An original log building houses indoor exhibits and displays.
Heritage Moments is an online guide to 41 historic locations in Waskesiu. Take a moment to scan the round signs on buildlngs around the townsite with your smart phone. You will be linked to online information including photos, stories, video and music. Pick up a map and a brochure at the Museum or Visitors Centre. The content can also be enjoyed from anywhere at
Open Jul and Aug.
North - Prince Albert National Park