North - Glaslyn
Hotel / Motel, Cottage / Cabin / Resort
Add to Suitcase
25 km N of Glaslyn on Hwy 4.
Latitude: 53.584629° N,
Longitude: -108.365424° W
Longitude: -108.365424° W

Moose Country Lodge and Service

Moose Country Lodge and Service

Moose Country Lodge and Service

Moose Country Lodge and Service

Moose Country Lodge and Service

Moose Country Lodge and Service
Nestled in the provincial forest, along a groomed snowmobile trail, this all-season lodge provides motel and cabin accommodations, a small campground, convenience store, gift shop and fuel services for visitors in the Turtle Lake area. Meals for groups upon request. Off-sale and liquor store on site. Free Wi-Fi.
North - Glaslyn