South - Shamrock
Municipal / Regional Park, Regional Park Campground, Golf
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12 km E on Hwy 363 and 11 km S of Shamrock, 5 km W and 8 km S of Coderre, or 13 km N, 6.5 km E and 6.5 km N of Gravelbourg, 30 minutes S of Chaplin Shore Bird Sanctuary along Hwy 1.
Latitude: 50.05907° N,
Longitude: -106.4606° W
Longitude: -106.4606° W

Shamrock Regional Park

Shamrock Regional Park

Shamrock Regional Park

Shamrock Regional Park

Shamrock Regional Park

Shamrock Regional Park

Shamrock Regional Park

Shamrock Regional Park
Experience the natural beauty of one of the first regional parks in Saskatchewan. Located in a horseshoe bend of the Wood River, Shamrock Regional Park is well-treed and offers a heated pool, paddling pool, a challenging 9-hole sand greens golf course, ball diamonds and family reunion facilities. It is also located in a great birdwatching area.
Open May long weekend to Labour Day.
South - Shamrock