North - Amisk Lake
Provincial Campground
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28 km S of Denare Beach on Hwy 167 on the eastern shore of Amisk Lake.
Latitude: 54.46394° N,
Longitude: -102.1429° W
Longitude: -102.1429° W

Sand Beach Campground - Site 1

Sand Beach Campground - Site 7

Sand Beach Campground - Site 9

Sand Beach Campground - Group campsite
View limestone rock cliffs from the lakefront campsites of this beautiful, secluded campground on Amisk Lake's eastern shore. Sand Beach Campground is a perfect spot for a private getaway offering first-come, first-served sites by self-registration and a group camping area set apart from the main campsites.
Open May long weekend to Labour Day.
North - Amisk Lake