Central - Kelvington - Hwys 38, 49
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Latitude: 52.16199° N,
Longitude: -103.5295° W
Longitude: -103.5295° W


Kelvington is located in the heart of some of the finest hunting, fishing and snowmobiling in the province. At the entrance to Kelvington, you can find a roadside painting of the six NHL players who have come from this town including Wendel Clark, Joey Kocur and Barry Melrose, thus earning the nickname of 'Canada's Hockey Factory'.
Town office, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tourist information, mid-Jun to Aug 31, Heritage Arts and Culture Centre, 99 Prouse St, Wed to Sun 1 - 8 p.m.
Retail, closed Sun.
Email: kelvington@sasktel.net
Central - Kelvington - Hwys 38, 49


Kelvington is located in the heart of some of the finest hunting, fishing and snowmobiling in the province. At the entrance to Kelvington, you can find a roadside painting of the six NHL players who have come from this town including Wendel Clark, Joey Kocur and Barry Melrose, thus earning the nickname of 'Canada's Hockey Factory'.
Latitude: 52.16199° N,
Longitude: -103.5295° W
Longitude: -103.5295° W
Town office, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tourist information, mid-Jun to Aug 31, Heritage Arts and Culture Centre, 99 Prouse St, Wed to Sun 1 - 8 p.m.
Retail, closed Sun.
Email: kelvington@sasktel.net