South - Abernethy - Hwy 22
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Latitude: 50.74446° N,
Longitude: -103.419° W
Longitude: -103.419° W
Founded in 1904, the farming community of Abernethy is located along Hwy 22 in the rolling countryside north of the Qu'Appelle Valley. Just 3 km north of the Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site and within driving distance of a wide variety of year-round outdoor recreational opportunities, this small community offers residents and visitors the services and comforts of its various local businesses.
Village office, Tue, Wed and Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
South - Abernethy - Hwy 22
Founded in 1904, the farming community of Abernethy is located along Hwy 22 in the rolling countryside north of the Qu'Appelle Valley. Just 3 km north of the Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site and within driving distance of a wide variety of year-round outdoor recreational opportunities, this small community offers residents and visitors the services and comforts of its various local businesses.
Latitude: 50.74446° N,
Longitude: -103.419° W
Longitude: -103.419° W
Village office, Tue, Wed and Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.