South - Weyburn - Hwys 13, 35, 39
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Latitude: 49.66259° N,
Longitude: -103.8518° W
Longitude: -103.8518° W

Picturesque scenery along paved walking paths on the Tatagwa Parkway Trail System

River Park

Weyburn - Cruise Night

Weyburn - River Front

Weyburn - River Park

Weyburn - River Park Entry

Weyburn boardwalk is one stop along the Tatagwa Parkway trail system

Weyburn Rodeo

Referred to as "The Opportunity City,” in 2019, Weyburn was ranked as Best Place to Live in the Prairies and 45th overall in Canada, by Maclean’s Magazine. Weyburn is located in the heart of southeast Saskatchewan, at the junction of Hwys 13, 35 and 39. With a rapidly growing population, Weyburn's vibrant economy has created opportunities for people from all over the world to visit, live and do business.
Weyburn Tourism, 11 - 3rd St NE, Mon to Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Visitor Information Centre, Soo Line Museum, 411 Industrial Ln, May long weekend to Aug 30, daily 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
City Hall, 157 - 3rd St NE, Mon to Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
South - Weyburn - Hwys 13, 35, 39

Picturesque scenery along paved walking paths on the Tatagwa Parkway Trail System

River Park

Weyburn - Cruise Night

Weyburn - River Front

Weyburn - River Park

Weyburn - River Park Entry

Weyburn boardwalk is one stop along the Tatagwa Parkway trail system

Weyburn Rodeo

Referred to as "The Opportunity City,” in 2019, Weyburn was ranked as Best Place to Live in the Prairies and 45th overall in Canada, by Maclean’s Magazine. Weyburn is located in the heart of southeast Saskatchewan, at the junction of Hwys 13, 35 and 39. With a rapidly growing population, Weyburn's vibrant economy has created opportunities for people from all over the world to visit, live and do business.
Latitude: 49.66259° N,
Longitude: -103.8518° W
Longitude: -103.8518° W
Weyburn Tourism, 11 - 3rd St NE, Mon to Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Visitor Information Centre, Soo Line Museum, 411 Industrial Ln, May long weekend to Aug 30, daily 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
City Hall, 157 - 3rd St NE, Mon to Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.