South - Pangman - Hwys 6, 13
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Latitude: 49.64543° N,
Longitude: -104.6601° W
Longitude: -104.6601° W
The rural community of Pangman is located in the south central part of the province. It is a full service community with a gas bar, grocery store, emergency services, cafe, craft store, campground and outdoor swimming pool. The main industry for the community and surrounding area is agriculture, both grain and cattle farming. While visiting in the area, take a trip aboard the Southern Railway | Tourism Train that travels from the nearby community of Ogema to Horizon and Pangman.
Village/RM office, 410 Mergens St, Mon to Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
South - Pangman - Hwys 6, 13
The rural community of Pangman is located in the south central part of the province. It is a full service community with a gas bar, grocery store, emergency services, cafe, craft store, campground and outdoor swimming pool. The main industry for the community and surrounding area is agriculture, both grain and cattle farming. While visiting in the area, take a trip aboard the Southern Railway | Tourism Train that travels from the nearby community of Ogema to Horizon and Pangman.
Latitude: 49.64543° N,
Longitude: -104.6601° W
Longitude: -104.6601° W
Village/RM office, 410 Mergens St, Mon to Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.