Longitude: -105.760314° W


Email: tourism@citypa.com


Longitude: -105.760314° W
Email: tourism@citypa.com
Email: tourism@citypa.com
Email: tourism@citypa.com
Indigenous, Cottage / Cabin / Resort, Unique Adventures, Winter Activities
Pemmican Lodge, located in northern Saskatchewan, invites you to unplug, unwind, relax and reconnect with nature. They offer an authentic, land-based experience that is rich in culture, excitement and wild food. There are three cabins and plenty of space for camping on site. A boreal escape, Pemmican Lodge is the perfect place for family fun, a corporate retreat or just a quiet getaway for you.
Phone(s): 306-716-0579
Located near Ile-a-la-Crosse. From Meadow Lake travel 47 km W along Hwy 55 to Green Lake, turn N at Green Lake and travel 184 km on Hwy 155.
Hotel / Motel, Bar / Lounge / Pub
Room rates (daily) starting at: $95
Phone(s): 306-833-2277
Email: nsm@sasktel.net
Ahenakew Blvd (the main street), Ile a la Crosse.
Privately-operated Campground, Cottage / Cabin / Resort
Camping rates (daily) starting at: $20
Phone(s): 306-240-0860
Email: northerneagleresort@yahoo.ca
On Hwy 908 past the farm, turn left at 4th street on left. Stay on that road until you come to the Y hill. Turn right up the hill. Located on a 14 acre peninsula in Ile a la Crosse.
Saskatchewan-Made Products
Sakitawak/Where the Rivers Meet is home to Ile-a-la-Crosse Fish Company, Saskatchewan's largest processor of fresh fish. From lake to plate, the federally certified facility processes, immediately flash freezes and packs walleye, northern pike, whitefish and trout from Northwest Saskatchewan’s freshwater lakes. These processes meet the highest standards for fresh frozen products. Tracking, documenting, and keeping Saskatchewan’s ministry informed on lake quotas ensure the industry can sustain healthy fish populations in the province's inland lakes and water systems. Ile-a-la-Crosse Fish Company is always open for a tour should you visit Saskatchewan’s second oldest community.
Phone(s): 306-833-2466
Email: ilexfishco@sasktel.net
Hwy 155, Île-à-la-Crosse.
Municipal Campground
Phone(s): 306-833-2122
On S bay of Lac Ile a la Crosse, 129.6 km N of Green Lake on Hwy 155. Services available at Ile a la Crosse within 3 km by boat or 32 km by road.
Phone(s): 306-833-2122