Central - Canora Beach - Hwy 9, Grid 746
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Latitude: 51.59598° N,
Longitude: -102.6673° W
Longitude: -102.6673° W
Many new cottages and retirement homes are being built in this beautiful established development, set in the poplars on the northeast shore of Good Spirit Lake. A store/confectionery/gas bar operates during the summer months. The large, well-developed campground also makes Canora Beach a popular summer destination.
Seasonal store, gas and campground, Canora Beach Resort, phone 306-563-4480 or 306-563-6363.
Email: rm274@sasktel.net
Central - Canora Beach - Hwy 9, Grid 746
Many new cottages and retirement homes are being built in this beautiful established development, set in the poplars on the northeast shore of Good Spirit Lake. A store/confectionery/gas bar operates during the summer months. The large, well-developed campground also makes Canora Beach a popular summer destination.
Canora Beach
Latitude: 51.59598° N,
Longitude: -102.6673° W
Longitude: -102.6673° W
Seasonal store, gas and campground, Canora Beach Resort, phone 306-563-4480 or 306-563-6363.
Email: rm274@sasktel.net