Central - Zenon Park - Hwys 23, 335
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Latitude: 53.06505° N,
Longitude: -103.7578° W
Longitude: -103.7578° W

Zenon Park

Zenon Park

The small, bilingual community of Zenon Park is located in the eastern parklands of the province, approximately 45 km northeast of Tisdale. The community is mainly agriculture-based with forestry products also a factor in the economy. Within easy access to the beautiful forests and lakes of the area, year-round outdoor recreation is abundant for residents and visitors.
Village office, 775 Main St, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., 1 - 4 p.m.
Email: vofzenon@sasktel.net
Central - Zenon Park - Hwys 23, 335

Zenon Park

Zenon Park

The small, bilingual community of Zenon Park is located in the eastern parklands of the province, approximately 45 km northeast of Tisdale. The community is mainly agriculture-based with forestry products also a factor in the economy. Within easy access to the beautiful forests and lakes of the area, year-round outdoor recreation is abundant for residents and visitors.
Zenon Park
Latitude: 53.06505° N,
Longitude: -103.7578° W
Longitude: -103.7578° W
Village office, 775 Main St, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., 1 - 4 p.m.
Email: vofzenon@sasktel.net