Central - Paynton - Hwy 16
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Latitude: 53.01299° N,
Longitude: -108.9363° W
Longitude: -108.9363° W


The village of Paynton is located 75 km east of Lloydminster and 54 km west of The Battlefords along Hwy 16. Agriculture is the primary industry, although oil and gas opportunities are increasing in the area. Many northern lakes are accessible by taking the Paynton ferry across the North Saskatchewan River from spring to fall.
Village office, 205 - 1st St E, Mon to Thu 9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 4 p.m.
Email: village470@sasktel.net
Central - Paynton - Hwy 16


The village of Paynton is located 75 km east of Lloydminster and 54 km west of The Battlefords along Hwy 16. Agriculture is the primary industry, although oil and gas opportunities are increasing in the area. Many northern lakes are accessible by taking the Paynton ferry across the North Saskatchewan River from spring to fall.
Latitude: 53.01299° N,
Longitude: -108.9363° W
Longitude: -108.9363° W
Village office, 205 - 1st St E, Mon to Thu 9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 4 p.m.
Email: village470@sasktel.net