Central - Parkside - Hwy 40
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Latitude: 53.16598° N,
Longitude: -106.5359° W
Longitude: -106.5359° W
The community of Parkside is home to the world's largest lily. It was built to recognize a area settler and long time resident, Dr. A. J. Porter, the founder of the nearby Honeywood Heritage Nursery. Over 30 lily varieties were developed by Porter and to this day the site flourishes with lily blooms and other florals during the summer.
Information: village office, Tue 9 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 5 p.m.
Central - Parkside - Hwy 40
The community of Parkside is home to the world's largest lily. It was built to recognize a area settler and long time resident, Dr. A. J. Porter, the founder of the nearby Honeywood Heritage Nursery. Over 30 lily varieties were developed by Porter and to this day the site flourishes with lily blooms and other florals during the summer.
Latitude: 53.16598° N,
Longitude: -106.5359° W
Longitude: -106.5359° W
Information: village office, Tue 9 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 5 p.m.