Central - Nokomis - Hwys 15, 20
Add to Suitcase
Latitude: 51.51072° N,
Longitude: -105.0058° W
Longitude: -105.0058° W
Located at the junction of Hwys 15 and 20, the community of Nokomis offers a relaxed rural-style living within driving distance of the cities of Regina or Saskatoon. Enjoy visiting the local museum, recreational facilities, and community events.
Town office, 101 - 3rd Ave E, Mon to Fri 9 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 4 p.m.
Retail, closing Sun.
Email: townofnokomis@sasktel.net
Central - Nokomis - Hwys 15, 20
Located at the junction of Hwys 15 and 20, the community of Nokomis offers a relaxed rural-style living within driving distance of the cities of Regina or Saskatoon. Enjoy visiting the local museum, recreational facilities, and community events.
Latitude: 51.51072° N,
Longitude: -105.0058° W
Longitude: -105.0058° W
Town office, 101 - 3rd Ave E, Mon to Fri 9 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 4 p.m.
Retail, closing Sun.
Email: townofnokomis@sasktel.net