Central - Meacham - Hwy 2
Add to Suitcase
Latitude: 52.10679° N,
Longitude: -105.7582° W
Longitude: -105.7582° W
Meacham is located on Hwy 2. Local attractions include the Hand Wave Gallery and Dancing Sky Theatre, which is Saskatchewan's only professional rural theatre.
Village office, 117 - 1st Ave; Tue and Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Gas station and restaurant, south of Hwys 2 and 5 junction, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meacham Co-op, in town, card lock and gas station.
Email: admin@meacham.ca
Central - Meacham - Hwy 2
Meacham is located on Hwy 2. Local attractions include the Hand Wave Gallery and Dancing Sky Theatre, which is Saskatchewan's only professional rural theatre.
Latitude: 52.10679° N,
Longitude: -105.7582° W
Longitude: -105.7582° W
Village office, 117 - 1st Ave; Tue and Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Gas station and restaurant, south of Hwys 2 and 5 junction, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meacham Co-op, in town, card lock and gas station.
Email: admin@meacham.ca