Central - Dinsmore - Hwys 42, 44
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Tourism Saskatchewan
Latitude: 51.33051° N,
Longitude: -107.4448° W
Dinsmore is located on Hwys 42 and 44, just 40 km west of the Gardiner Dam. This energetic, rural community has a strong business and service core and a variety of local attractions and recreational facilities.


Village office, 100 Main St, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Retail, closed Sun.


Email: dinsmore@sasktel.net

Central - Dinsmore - Hwys 42, 44

Dinsmore is located on Hwys 42 and 44, just 40 km west of the Gardiner Dam. This energetic, rural community has a strong business and service core and a variety of local attractions and recreational facilities.

Tourism Saskatchewan
Latitude: 51.33051° N,
Longitude: -107.4448° W


Village office, 100 Main St, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Retail, closed Sun.


Email: dinsmore@sasktel.net

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