Central - Delisle - Hwys 7, 45
Add to Suitcase
Latitude: 51.9216° N,
Longitude: -107.1321° W
Longitude: -107.1321° W
Delisle is a friendly, active community that enjoys all the amenities of small town living with very easy access to all the attractions of a major city. It boasts a skating and curling rink with artificial ice, Senior Citizens' Centre and a 9-hole grass greens golf course. The life blood of the community is agriculture and the potash industry. Two potash mines located nearby provide major employment opportunities for the area.
Town office, 201 1st Street West, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Retail, closed Sun.
Email: delisle@sasktel.net
Central - Delisle - Hwys 7, 45
Delisle is a friendly, active community that enjoys all the amenities of small town living with very easy access to all the attractions of a major city. It boasts a skating and curling rink with artificial ice, Senior Citizens' Centre and a 9-hole grass greens golf course. The life blood of the community is agriculture and the potash industry. Two potash mines located nearby provide major employment opportunities for the area.
Latitude: 51.9216° N,
Longitude: -107.1321° W
Longitude: -107.1321° W
Town office, 201 1st Street West, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Retail, closed Sun.
Email: delisle@sasktel.net