Central - Watson - Hwys 5, 6
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Latitude: 52.1265° N,
Longitude: -104.5224° W
Longitude: -104.5224° W
Located at the junction of Hwys 5 and 6, the community of Watson is the home of the original Santa Claus Day event. Hosted in early December by the Chamber of Commerce, this event was originally started back in 1932 by a hardware store merchant, Jake Smith. The community is situated in the middle of the central flyaway for migratory game birds, this attracts both waterfowl hunters and birdwatchers alike.
Town office, 300 Main St NE, Mon to Fri 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Email: town.watson@sasktel.net
Central - Watson - Hwys 5, 6
Located at the junction of Hwys 5 and 6, the community of Watson is the home of the original Santa Claus Day event. Hosted in early December by the Chamber of Commerce, this event was originally started back in 1932 by a hardware store merchant, Jake Smith. The community is situated in the middle of the central flyaway for migratory game birds, this attracts both waterfowl hunters and birdwatchers alike.
Latitude: 52.1265° N,
Longitude: -104.5224° W
Longitude: -104.5224° W
Town office, 300 Main St NE, Mon to Fri 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Email: town.watson@sasktel.net