South - Lafleche - Hwys 13, 58
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Latitude: 49.70821° N,
Longitude: -106.5719° W
Longitude: -106.5719° W
Lafleche is a vibrant community in southern Saskatchewan. While visiting the community check out their attractions, recreation and accommodations. Attractions in the community include the Ste. Radegonde Roman Catholic Church, with its Claybank brick and stained glass windows, a museum, a library offering public internet service, curling and hockey rinks, playground and splash park. Accommodations include the full-service campground and the Flying Goose Inn. Thomson Lake Regional Park, only 8 km north of Lafleche, offers camping, boating, golfing and more.
Town office, 35 - 2nd Ave E, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Confectionery and gas station, open daily.
South - Lafleche - Hwys 13, 58
Lafleche is a vibrant community in southern Saskatchewan. While visiting the community check out their attractions, recreation and accommodations. Attractions in the community include the Ste. Radegonde Roman Catholic Church, with its Claybank brick and stained glass windows, a museum, a library offering public internet service, curling and hockey rinks, playground and splash park. Accommodations include the full-service campground and the Flying Goose Inn. Thomson Lake Regional Park, only 8 km north of Lafleche, offers camping, boating, golfing and more.
Latitude: 49.70821° N,
Longitude: -106.5719° W
Longitude: -106.5719° W
Town office, 35 - 2nd Ave E, Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Confectionery and gas station, open daily.